This page was created to inform the visitors of the website of our policy regarding the collecting, using and disclosing the personal data of users of our website.

Working with the website, you agree to collecting and using the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Information regarding the collected personal data is used only to provide and improve the capabilities of our website and KYC (Know Your Customer). KYC Policy is designed in accordance with international legislation on the prevention of criminal activities, money laundering and financing of terrorism. KYC Policy sets out the minimum standards that the Company is required to comply in accordance with international requirements. We use and distribute this information only as described in this Privacy Policy.

The collection and use of information

In order to improve the service while using our website, we may ask you to provide certain personal identifying information, including the e-mail address. We will keep the requested information and use it only as described in the Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to use the provided e-mail address for sending information about the PROVER project and the activities of our company.

Identifying customers involves specify the following information:

1) Passport or another identification document with:

Note: if you use ID Card, we can’t accept it as a confirmation your permanent address.

2) Document certifying current permanent address of the person:

Note: The same document can’t be submitted for identification of client identity and as confirmation of permanent address.

3) Bank reference letter confirmed your accounting (up to 6 months) OR from the Bank the client holds account (up to 2 weeks).

Note: all Bank documents have to signed by Bank.

The website uses third party services that can collect information for your identification.

Personal data may be deleted upon the written application.

Service Providers

We can hire third parties (company or individuals) for the following purposes:

We inform the users of our website that these third parties have the access to your personal data. The access is provided in order to fulfill the tasks entrusted on our behalf. Nevertheless, these third parties undertake to maintain confidentiality and not to use this information for any other purposes.


We appreciate your trust by providing your personal data, which means that we are committed to using commercially reasonable means of protecting these data. However, remember that no method of datatransmission over the Internet or their electronic storage is 100% safe, so we cannot ensure absolute security.

Links to other websites

This website may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third party link you will be redirected to a third party site. Please notice that these sites are not managed by our company. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend you to read the Privacy Policy on these websites. We do not control and we are not responsible for the content, privacy policy or practices of third-party sites or services.

Privacy Policy regarding children

Our website is not intended for children under 18 years old. We do not consciously collect the information that allows us to identify children under 13 years old. If we find out that a child under 13 years old has provided his or her personal data, we immediately erase this information from our website. If you are a parent or a child`s custodian who sent us your personal information, please contact us so that we can take the necessary actions.

Changes in the Privacy Policy

We can change our Privacy Policy. Therefore, we recommend you to view this page in order to be aware of the changes made. We will inform you of any changes made by posting a new Privacy Policy on this page. All changes come into force from the moment of their publication on this page.

Questions and suggestions

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Privacy Policy of our company, please contact us.